Theodora Temelkova-Kurktschiev, MD, PhD, Dr. Sci

Associate Professor in Endocrinology

1985Medical License from Medical University Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Gold medal for excellent results
1990Medical License from Dresden, Germany
1990-1994Resident and Fellow in Dept. of Metabolic Diseases and Lipid Research, Carl Gustav Carus Medical Academy Dresden, Germany
1992Postgraduate studies in Lipid Laboratory of the Royal Infirmary in Glasgow, UK
1994Doctoral thesis in Medical Academy Dresden, Germany
1995-2000Postdoctoral research in Institute of Metabolic Research, Medical Faculty Dresden, Germany
1996Postgraduate studies in Angiology Clinic, General Hospital Vienna, Austria
2000Postdoctoral habilitation in Medical Faculty Dresden, Germany
2001-2004Scientific manager/doctor in Center for Clinical Studies, Science and Technology Transfer, Technical University Dresden, Germany
2002Specialist in internal medicine; Exam in Medical Faculty Dresden
2002-2003Senior researcher in Institute of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Technical University Dresden, Germany
2002Specialist in diabetology; Certificate from Munich, Germany
2002Training in carotids duplex in PHRI, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada
2004Specialist in Endocrinology; Exam in Medical Faculty Dresden, Germany
2004-2010President BG Association of early detection and therapy of socially relevant diseases
2005-2012Head of Medicobiological Unit, International Scientific Institute, NSA, Sofia, BG
2005-presentMedical Director and Endocrinologist in Robert Koch Medical Center, Sofia, BG
2007Associate Professor in Endocrinology
2009DoctorScience; Certificate from Council of Ministers, BG
2009-2013Vice-president of the Central European Diabetes Association

PublicationsMore than 150 original papers; Impact factor above 120; more than 1500 citations
Talks and postersMore than 200 talks or poster presentations at international meetings on atherosclerosis, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, intima-media-thickness, lipid anomalies, diabetes, postprandial state, prediabetes etc. in Germany, UK, France, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Finland, China, Egypt, Indonesia, Mexico, Slovakia, Spain, Portugal, Cuba, South Africa, Hungry, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, Holland, Sweden, USA, Latvia, Japan, Austria, Romania, Serbia.
MembershipsMember of associations in diabetes, endocrinology and atherosclerosis
Honorary member of Cuban Atherosclerosis Society
Honorary member of Bulgarian Society of Obesity and Related Diseases